
Beauty Way

After waking at sunrise, only to fall asleep again,
I spent the day in practice.
First, the daily routine of moving
the body,
the breath
and prayer.
Then, in a new awareness of beauty, behind, in front, within. 
All day I walked, carrying water to basins of clay scattered over
the rolling desert land,
white banded mountains cradling the valley.
Each bowl I emptied, scrubbed and refilled with fresh water
and flowers, berries or leaves from nearby plants.
Birds came to the newly filled pots
and at the death alter, I replenished water for
thirsty spirits.
Succulents and trees I have never met before
grew along the paths
which were lined with rocks, painted and non,
with messages of love, wisdom or presence.
The slow, steady pace of feet on the land
and standstill moment
for each held petal
in hand
or floating on water
reminds me:
beauty is truth is good.

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