by mine, steady support over steep cliffs of broken rock.
We slowly explore, commenting how my legs are longer
than he is tall
stopping to snack and explore
yoga poses
tentatively flowering plants
unknown skulls with sharp teeth.
How the joy unfolds in me with each
sweet word and sparkling laugh!
that I would preserve for the coming months
alone but instead are carried away to the mountains
on the wind.
I would stop time
on this desert planet.
I remind myself the preciousness of each moment
even the ones where I am tired
or annoyed
or heart broken
or in love with the sky and this small being
who is so full of light.
I explain all life comes from the sun
and he sings me a song of praying,
the weight of his small body now on my back.
I ask if he knows what praying is,
and if he wants to know my favorite prayer.
He asks what it is.
Thank you.

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